  March 31, 2001 and 2000
  Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1)
  2001 2000 2001
Current Assets:  
  Cash ¥44,622 ¥35,973 $359,855
  Time deposits 83,200 98,950 670,968
  Marketable securities 2,261 12,876 18,234
  Notes and accounts receivable:  
      Notes receivable—trade 3,219 2,378 25,960
      Accounts receivable—trade 61,518 54,751 496,113
      Subsidiaries and affiliates 4,155 4,132 33,508
      Allowance for doubtful accounts (200) (224) (1,613)
  Inventories 1,312 1,570 10,580
  Deferred tax assets (Note 6) 6,818 4,591 54,984
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets 9,310 5,783 75,080
         Total current assets 216,215 220,780 1,743,669
Property, Plant and Equipment—at Cost (Note 3):  
  Land 141,545 139,793 1,141,492
  Buildings and structures 177,692 168,036 1,433,000
  Vehicles 108,084 101,257 871,645
  Machinery and equipment 59,645 56,197 481,008
  Construction in progress 3,160 6,375 25,484
         Total 490,126 471,658 3,952,629
  Accumulated depreciation (212,899) (197,635) (1,716,927)
         Net property, plant and equipment 277,227 274,023 2,235,702
Investments and Other Assets:  
  Investment securities (Notes 3) 17,291 15,148 139,443
  Investments in and advances to subsidiaries and affiliates, net of valuation allowance of ¥800 million ($6,452 thousand) in 2001 and 2000 15,603 17,611 125,831
  Long-term loans 2,914 3,378 23,500
  Lease deposits 27,820 27,693 224,355
  Deferred tax assets (Note 6) 22,012 947 177,516
  Other assets 7,352 7,871 59,290
         Total investments and other assets 92,992 72,648 749,935
Total ¥586,434 ¥567,451 $4,729,306

See notes to consolidated financial statements.

  Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1)
  2001 2000 2001
Current Liabilities:  
  Short-term bank loans (Note 3) ¥3,100 ¥3,350 $25,000
  Current portion of long-term debt (Note 3) 16,065 39,489 129,556
  Notes and accounts payable:  
      Notes payable-trade and construction 7,334 6,778 59,145
      Accounts payable-trade 32,625 31,128 263,105
      Subsidiaries and affiliates 7,490 7,440 60,403
  Consumption tax payable 6,483 6,528 52,282
  Income taxes payable (Note 6) 12,812 8,370 103,323
  Employees’ savings deposits 3,915 4,211 31,573
  Accrued expenses 34,117 34,133 275,137
  Other current liabilities (Note 3) 14,736 11,922 118,839
         Total current liabilities 138,677 153,349 1,118,363
Long-Term Liabilities:  
  Long-term debt (Note 3) 80,604 99,310 650,032
  Liability for employees’ retirement benefits (Note 4) 58,084 5,751 468,419
  Other long-term liabilities 973 1,531 7,847
         Total long-term liabilities 139,661 106,592 1,126,298
Contingent Liabilities (Note 9)  
Shareholders’ Equity (Notes 3, 5 and 10):
  Common stock, ¥50 par value—authorized, 530,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding, 461,278,477 shares in 2001 and 445,440,546 shares in 2000 116,155 108,477 936,734
  Additional paid-in capital 128,947 121,269 1,039,895
  Legal reserve 6,106 5,475 49,242
  Retained earnings 55,398 72,289 446,758
  Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities 1,490 - 12,016
         Total shareholders’ equity 308,096 307,510 2,484,645
Total ¥586,434 ¥567,451 $4,729,306